Se acaba de publicar en el E-Journal of Cardiology Practice este interesante artículo que revisa las indicaciones e implicaciones de el ecocardiograma de estrés dentro del estudio de la insuficiencia mitral significativa. Recomendamos su lectura por repasar algunos aspectos hemodinámicos y clíncios, además de ser una revisión muy práctica.
A modo de resumen, estas son las indicaciones del eco de estrés en la insuficiencia mitral.
- Symptoms out of proportion to the severity of primary MR at rest (ESC 2017; ACC/AHA 2014, Class IIa, Level of Evidence: B)
- Establishment of symptom status and exercise tolerance in chronic primary MR (ESC 2017; ACC/AHA 2014, Class IIa, Level of Evidence: C)
- Quantification of exercise-induced changes in the severity of primary MR (of borderline significance), LV function and SPAP for individual risk stratification (ESC 2017)
- Determination of the aetiology in chronic secondary MR (ACC/AHA 2014, Class I, Level of Evidence: C) and its dynamic characteristics during exercise (ESC 2017)
- Myocardial viability testing with dobutamine in patients with secondary ischaemic MR to identify candidates for revascularisation (ESC 2017; ACC/AHA 2014: Class I, Level of Evidence: C)
- Pulmonary oedema without an obvious cause
- Severe MS in asymptomatic patients (ESC 2017; ACC/AHA 2014: Class I, Level of Evidence: C)
- Mild or moderate MS in symptomatic patients
- Combined MS and MR of uncertain significance
- E-Journal of Cardiology Practice. - Understanding the role of echocardiography in mitral valve disease: what is the added value of exercise and drugs on the various echocardiographic parameters?